Pet… (polyethylene terephthalate)


PET (Polyethylene terephthalate)
Class Application areas
BG-732 Bottle class
BG-781 Bottle class
BG-785 Bottle class
BG-821 Bottle Class (4 liters or more volume)
BG-825 Bottle class
TG645 Textile
TG641 Textile

The PET consists of repeated (C10H8O4) units and polymerized units of monomers ethylene terephthalates. PET is commonly recycled and has a number 1 as the recycle symbol.


Polyethylene terephthalate is produced from ethylene glycol and dimethyl terephthalate (C6H4 (CO2CH3) 2) or acid. The first is a transesterification reaction, and the latter is an esterification reaction.


Because pet is an excellent water and moisture barrier material, pet plastic bottles are widely used for soft drinks (see CARBONJUMP) as dual-axis pet directed film (commonly known by a person of commercial names, "Mylar") Aluminum coated can be evaporating to reduce its permeability and make it reflective and opaque (MPET) on thin metal film. These features are useful in many applications, including flexible food packaging and thermal insulation

BG 781 BG 785
Class Application areas Class Application areas
BG 781 Mineral water-edible oil-small jar BG 785 Mineral water, CSD, apet pages
BG 821 TG 641
Class Application areas Class Application areas
BG 821 Carbonated water-edible oil-alcoholic beverage-pharmaceutical TG 641 Textile filament, fibre, top yarn, micro filaments and industrial yarn
BG 825
Class Application areas
BG 825 CSD, carbonated water, edible oil, alcoholic Çecek, pharmaceutical, jar, apet sheet, strapping
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